Weekend Not Wasted

Driving behaviour change.
Diageo DrinkIQ asked us to shift attitudes and drive behaviour change with 18-24 year olds across Europe, encouraging a positive attitude towards responsible drinking.
We created Weekend Not Wasted, an entertainment format that taps into the trend towards self improvement, to celebrate what you can make of your weekend when you swap hangovers for adventures. We cast a trio of 20-something influencers  to take on a range of weird and wonderful activities over 3 weekends. Experienced from their perspective and told in their own words, we made the campaign authentic and relatable.
Entertainment Partnership
We partnered with MTV to deliver reach and impact. Alongside three main episodes that were played out across Europe on MTV, we leveraged the network’s broader ecosystem creating social content, written editorial and a series of promotional trailers to advertise the show.
By embracing entertainment, we reached 60% of 18-24 year olds in the UK, and drove an uplift in awareness of responsible drinking and DRINKIQ.
More than that, we successfully drove behaviour change – prompting social conversation between friends planning their own weekend adventures and delivering a measured 108% uplift in intention to reduce alcohol consumption.
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